Johnson should ‘hang his head in shame’ says Major General, accusing the PM of a ‘dereliction of duty’ for going on holiday as Taliban took Kabul

Boris Johnson’s decision to go on holiday on Saturday, hours before the fall of Kabul, has been criticised as a “dereliction of duty” by a military commander who said the prime minister should “hang his head in shame”. Foreign secretary Dominic Raab also took his holiday at the same time as Johnson, and like the […]

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Priti Patel fills vacant security minister role responsible for oversight of Covid fraud; Labour calls for Elliot’s removal as Tory co-chair

Home secretary Priti Patel’s permanent appointment as security minister “is a clear sign” the government has little concern for the safety of citizens, claims Labour. Patel fills the vacant security minister post –the most senior role outside cabinet – and will take on 17 responsibilities, as listed on the government’s website, that include: economic crime, […]

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Mercer sacked after accusing PM of lacking ‘moral strength and courage’ to protect ex-soldiers

Veterans minister Johnny Mercer has been sacked after accusing Boris Johnson of lacking the “moral strength and courage” to keep a commitment to prevent ex-soldiers who served in Northern Ireland from prosecution. Mercer informed Downing Street on Monday of his intention to resign on Wednesday but received a text message on Tuesday from the chief […]

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House of Lords rejects govt’s bid to limit war crimes prosecutions; Labour to question defence cuts in light of Russian threat

The House of Lords has handed the government a major defeat over their bid to limit the prosecution of war crimes and torture by British soldiers serving overseas. Peers, supported by former military chiefs and led by former Nato secretary general George Robertson today voted 333 to 228 in favour of an amendment to exclude […]

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Johnson’s Brexit Britain goes nuclear with measures ‘that’d make a dictator blush’

Boris Johnson has unveiled his blueprint to get Brexit-Britain “match-fit” for its future, laying out his government’s foreign policy to the very same chamber debating his alarming plans to curb democratic rights with a draconian crack down on protests. Taking back control it seems, actually means taking fundamental democratic rights from British citizens while sticking […]

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‘Humanity at tipping point’ warns Attenborough at UN Security Council session chaired by PM

Sir David Attenborough issued a stark warning to world leaders that humanity’s future is at a tipping point in an historic address to the UN Security Council. The nonagenarian broadcaster and environmentalist said “climate change is the biggest threat to security that modern humans have ever faced,” one that may “destroy entire cities” and “alter […]

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NHS reform will give ministers more power; China bans BBC ‘fake news’

Matt Hancock’s blueprint to reform the NHS, better integrate social care and “do away with irksome bureaucracy” will also hand greater power over the NHS to ministers. Conservatives have broadly welcomed Hancock’s shakeup to the health service, laid out today, while Labour has been questioning the health secretary’s priorities and timing given the UK is […]

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