Life after lockdown

Life after lockdown – the UK is defining the new normal

A few short weeks into coronavirus restrictions, people are getting restless. Apart from the devastating economic effect of the lockdown, its impact on mental health, victims of domestic abuse, and people suffering from non-COVID19 illnesses have been devastating. Already, authorities in many European countries have begun easing restrictions, and in the UK, too, experts are […]

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Gov’t ‘failings may have cost 1,000s of lives’; claims PM ‘skipped vital meetings ’ are ‘grotesque’ says Gove

Government failings to tackle the coronavirus pandemic in February “may have cost thousands of lives”, according to an explosive report in today’s Sunday Times. The paper states Boris Johnson “skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus” while the government ignored scientists’ warnings and early calls for protective equipment, instead sending PPE from the UK depleting […]

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