Braverman takes ‘friendly media’ on Rwanda trip, excluding more critical outlets

Suella Braverman did not invite journalists from the BBC, Guardian, Independent or Daily Mirror on her Rwanda trip and is only taking reporters from media outlets perceived as “friendly” to the government. Representatives from outlets including GB News, the Times, Telegraph, Express and Daily Mail are accompanying the home secretary on the tax-payer funded two-day […]

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UK’s post-Brexit settlement scheme for EU citizens is unlawful, rules High Court

Home Office regulations affecting millions of EU citizens living in the UK under the settlement scheme are unlawful, a high court judge has ruled. A watchdog guarding EU citizens’ rights in the UK has warned the current scheme could create hundreds-of-thousands of illegal immigrants overnight. The measures are part of the post-Brexit EU settlement scheme […]

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Priti Patel uses Commonwealth Games to expand Rwanda deportation policy

Home secretary Priti Patel will use the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham “as diplomatic cover” in her attempts to reach Rwanda-style deals with more African countries. A Home Office source said the Games “provide a platform for initial discussion” and meetings with delegations from Nigeria, Botswana, The Gambia and other countries are set to take place, […]

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Boris Johnson in new crisis as Dowden quits following double by-election defeat

Boris Johnson’s premiership has been plunged into yet another crisis with the Conservative party chairman Oliver Dowden resigning in the immediate wake of double by-election defeats. The Liberal Democrats overturned a 24,000 Conservative majority in Tiverton and Honiton to inflict the Tories’ biggest by-election defeat in British political history. Labour piled on the pressure on […]

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