Johnson declares ‘the end is in sight’ while Sage says at least 32,000 more could die with Covid

Boris Johnson has laid out England’s exit from lockdown, declaring “the end is in sight” on the day the UK passed 129,498 deaths of people with Covid-19. The prime minister’s “cautious but also irreversible” road map out of lockdown is, he hopes, a “one way road to freedom” where even nightclubs could be open on […]

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School closed after Covid outbreak; Scottish schools to heed WHO advice on masks, but England won’t

A Scottish school in Dundee has closed following an outbreak of coronavirus that has so far led to 27 positive cases. In separate developments the Scottish government has confirmed pupils may have to wear face coverings in school corridors and communal areas – a move the UK education secretary has ruled out for English pupils. […]

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Schools row escalates as doctors back teachers against gov’t plan to reopen

Doctors have backed teachers in the escalating row with the government over the early reopening of schools in England. The Children’s Commissioner has also weighed in behind the government and called on all sides to “stop squabbling and agree a plan” following yesterday’s (Friday) talks between teachers’ unions and government about plans to reopen schools […]

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