Unprecedented – Priti Patel broke ministerial code on bullying but keeps her job, civil servant quits

The head of the inquiry into claims of bullying by Priti Patel at the Home Office has resigned after the prime minister ignored the findings that the home secretary broke the ministerial code. Boris Johnson’s ruling that Patel should not step down is an unprecedented act, forcing the resignation of Sir Alex Allan, the prime […]

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NAO report on government’s £18bn Covid contracts; Starmer v Corbyn; and the PM’s green plan for UK

The highly critical National Audit Office report into the government’s awarding of £18 billion in procurement deals has been overshadowed by infighting in the Labour party and the prime minister’s green plan for the UK. The parliamentary watchdog made a number of startling findings including a lack of transparency, failures to explain why certain suppliers […]

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PM warns deaths will be ‘twice as bad’ as spring while Farage rebrands as anti-lockdowner

The prime minister will warn MPs that Covid-19 deaths could be “twice as bad” this winter compared to the first wave of the virus in spring. Boris Johnson’s Commons statement today (Monday, 3.30pm) will see the PM say there is “no alternative” to the four-week lockdown being introduced in England on Thursday. Labour leader Keir […]

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