Labour celebrates byelection double delight leaving Tories in despair

Labour has pulled off an historic double byelection victory and inflicted two devastating defeats on the government. Sir Keir Starmer’s party overturned two massive Conservative majorities and rewrote the history books with their twin wins in Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire. Starmer said he hopes to “follow in the footsteps” of Tony Blair and take Labour […]

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Sturgeon quits while Starmer bars Corbyn from standing for Labour

The shock decision by Nicola Sturgeon to stand down as Scotland’s first minister has overshadowed Sir Keir Starmer’s move to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from being a Labour MP. Sturgeon, Scotland’s longest serving first minister told a press conference in Edinburgh she has been “wrestling” with the idea of resignation for “some weeks” before concluding it […]

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Anti-strike law is ‘almost certainly illegal’; Starmer embraces ‘take back control’

Trade unions have vowed to “fiercely resist” Rishi Sunak’s new anti-strike law that will give employers the right to sue unions and sack workers who take industrial action. The government plans to legislate for “minimum safety levels” in six key sectors – health, education, fire, ambulance, rail and nuclear commissioning – during strikes, giving bosses […]

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