Government wants ‘total social control’ say rebel MPs as Commons extends emergency legislation

A group of Conservative MPs has accused the government of wanting “total social control” as the Commons overwhelmingly backed extending emergency coronavirus powers. A total of 76 MPs – including 35 rebel Tory backbenchers – voted against the extension but 483 MPs, including 176 from Labour, voted for the legislation to remain for another six […]

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Priti Patel’s ban on ‘two-or-more’ people protesting will ‘cause a lot of trouble’

Priti Patel wants to ban protests of more than two people during the second lockdown and has briefed senior police officers to enforce coronavirus law banning marches and demonstrations. Chief constables are concerned the home secretary’s move is too oppressive for a liberal democracy while a civil law barrister warned the ban could breach human […]

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PM warns deaths will be ‘twice as bad’ as spring while Farage rebrands as anti-lockdowner

The prime minister will warn MPs that Covid-19 deaths could be “twice as bad” this winter compared to the first wave of the virus in spring. Boris Johnson’s Commons statement today (Monday, 3.30pm) will see the PM say there is “no alternative” to the four-week lockdown being introduced in England on Thursday. Labour leader Keir […]

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