Braverman accused of ‘dog whistle’ politics over ‘British-Pakistani grooming gangs’

Home secretary Suella Braverman is again under fire for her rhetoric, this time in singling out “British-Pakistani males” over concerns about grooming gangs and sexual abuse of children. With an eye on May’s local elections, Braverman said “senior politicians in Labour-run areas” have failed to prevent the abuse because they did not want to “call […]

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Priti Patel uses Commonwealth Games to expand Rwanda deportation policy

Home secretary Priti Patel will use the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham “as diplomatic cover” in her attempts to reach Rwanda-style deals with more African countries. A Home Office source said the Games “provide a platform for initial discussion” and meetings with delegations from Nigeria, Botswana, The Gambia and other countries are set to take place, […]

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Javid causes outrage with tweet while Johnson and Raab risk losing their seats at next election over travel chaos

Health secretary Sajid Javid has come under fire for telling people not to “cower” from the virus in a tweet announcing his “full recovery from Covid a week after testing positive.” Javid said his symptoms were “very mild, thanks to amazing vaccines”, before adding: “Please – if you haven’t yet – get your jab, as […]

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Priti Patel delaying Daniel Morgan report to ‘protect friends’ at Murdoch’s News International

Home secretary Priti Patel has been accused of delaying the publication of a report into the murder of Daniel Morgan to protect friends at Rupert Murdoch’s News International. Chris Bryant, the Labour MP for the Rhondda was granted an urgent question in the Commons on Monday “on the failure to publish the Independent Panel Report […]

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Brexit, Brazil, free school meals, ICUs and a record number of deaths – a day in the life of a PM under pressure to deliver

A single day of questions at Westminster for the prime minister has provided a glimpse of the extent and range of immediate challenges and crises that Boris Johnson has been entrusted to lead the country through. A double bill for Johnson began with PMQs and was followed by an appearance before the House of Commons […]

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